Mission Statement
"We exist to magnify God and spread a passion for His glory by making disciples and shepherding them to value Jesus Christ above everything else.”
Magnify God
Passion for His Glory
Making Disciples
Shepherding Them
Above Everything Else

Christ Bible Church Core Values
We believe in the supremacy of the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God and seek to live under the authority of God’s Word in every area of our lives. Therefore, we gather to study the Scriptures through expositional preaching, teaching, and instruction.
We desire to have sobriety and satisfaction in the character and work of our great God and living to cherish Jesus and find our satisfaction in Him above all things. Therefore, we gather to glorify God and find our satisfaction in Him by worshiping Him through fellowship, through Scripture reading, through prayer, through joyful giving, through service, and through Scripture-saturated singing.
We pursue an ever-growing and ever-deepening devotion to Christ in simplicity and purity by living in unity with believers through fellowship and discipleship. Therefore, we gather to encourage one another in how to apply the Scriptures in such a way that we value and treasure Jesus above all things.
We obey the Great Commission and commit to make disciples by living to faithfully proclaim the Gospel with boldness and compassion. Therefore, we gather to be encouraged in the Gospel and scatter to share the Good News with all around us.