The Bible is clear that no spiritual goal can be accomplished and no lasting fruit can be “harvested” for the kingdom of God apart from being undergirded with prayer. In our Lord’s own words in the Gospel of John 15, Jesus said, “Apart from Me, you can do nothing.”
The purpose of the prayer ministry is to glorify God by stimulating the believers at Christ Bible Church to engage in this essential discipline and pray for one another! Prayer is our privilege and our responsibility as believers. It is our great privilege to pray as believers because the Lord Jesus Christ has given free access to the Father for those who have put their trust in Jesus for salvation. It is our responsibility because He commands that we pray! We live in a world of people with real needs – needs that, in many cases, only God can meet. Therefore, we lift these needs up before a merciful and mighty God Who stands ready to answer the prayers of the saints according to His gracious will.

Submit a Prayer Request
You can email your prayer requests to the church office at info@Christ-Bible.Church. These requests will be emailed to those who regularly attend CBC.
Care Ministry: Meals and Other Help
Our Care Ministry exists to help those in this local body of Christ who have immediate, short term needs such as meals or light housekeeping following an illness or hospitalization, providing rides to a doctor’s appointment, etc. If you are part of CBC and are in need of help, please contact the church office at 818.474.8220 or email us at info@Christ-Bible.Church. We count it a privilege to minister to one another.